La identidad de su trabajo está en el rescate de lo hecho a mano y la inspiración, en la mezcla de temporalidades. Tendencias actuales y vetas del diseño más tradicional, se combinan en las obras de Abel Cárcamo Segovia, diseñador y artista, quien ha sabido conjugar su trabajo con diferentes oficios de artesanos locales. Generando un lazo directo entre nuestros ejercicios más tradicionales y una estética minimalista, el fundador de Primitivo logra conocer los límites de la materialidad con distintas técnicas, para llegar a la creación de piezas atemporales.
His work identifies with being hand-made and inspired by the combination of different style periods. Abel Cárcamo Segovia designs objects and furniture and his collections combine contemporary trends and materials of traditional design through collaborations with various local craftsmen. Creating a direct link between traditional practice and minimalistic esthetics the founder of Primitivo attains knowledge of the capabilities of materials through different techniques and so accomplish to create timeless design .
-PAD London with 88 galery London
-Design miami, Paris, France with Galerie scene ouverte
-Winter group show, Galerie scene ouverte, Paris
-PAD Paris, Galerie cene ouverte
-Design Miami, Basel, Suiza with Galerie scene ouverte
-88 Gallery london, Amberes, Bélgica
Solo show “Transición”, Galerie Scene ouverte, Paris
-PAD London with 88 gallery London and Galerie Scene Ouverte
-Design Miami Paris, first edition, France
-PAD Paris Group show, Galerie scene ouverte, Paris
-Design Miami, Basel, Galerie scene ouverte
-Solo show Penzai collection in collaboration with Emma Donnersberg and Abel Cárcamo, Atelier Courbet, NYC.
-Group show “Poesía en piedra”, Unno Gallery, UNAM, Mexico city
-Design Miami, Penzai collection with Atelier Courbet, Nuage table with Scene ouverte
-PAD London with 88 gallery London and Galerie Scene Ouverte
-Masterpiece london, 88 gallery london
-Archéologie du Futur, group show summer, Galerie scene ouverte
-Design Miami, Basel, Suiza. Galerie scene ouverte
-Milan Design Week, Volumen, Unno Gallery (México)
-Group exhibition Design Miami, Galerie scene ouverte, paris
-Solo exhibition “Mutare” Galerie scene ouverte, Paris
-Solo show “Anxiété
”La Maison des Arts Contemporains,
-Group show Collect art fair, London. Galerie scene ouverte, Paris
-Art Paris au Grand Palais, Galerie Scene ouverte,France
-Madrid design Festival, Studio-Gallery ACDO, Spain
-Collectible Fair, Bruxelles,Belgium
-1000 Vases, Space commines, Paris, France
-Revelations Fair, Grand Palais Paris, France
-Paris Design Week, Galerie Studiolo, France
-Mediatheque la Garenne-colombes, France
-Cultural center la moneda– Santiago, chile,
exhibited cover lamp and collection volta
-Cultural center las condes– Santiago, chile,
exhibited Barro pequeño project
-Bienal latinoamericana de diseño– Matadero madrid, spain, exhibited Barro pequeño project
-Gallery Atelier Pan, Santiago, Chile,
Exhibited Barro pequeño Projet
-Design days Geneve - Gallery república austral
-Santiago diseño by Magazine Ambientes, Santiago, Chile
-Pura Cerámica exhibition, Santiago de chile
de Diseño, Santiago de Chile
-Tecnológico de Monterrey, exhibited cordillera vases, México
-Más deco Market, Estación Mapocho, Santiago, Chile
-Campamento feria, Guadalajara. México
-Week of the wood, Cultural center Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile
-Gallery room, exhibited volta collection, Paris, France
-Bienal latinoamericana de diseño– Matadero madrid, spain, exhibited glass cut project
-Santiago diseño, Espacio Riesco,Santiago, Chile
-Encuentro Local Recolate, Santiago, Chile
-Casa Chicureo, Santiago, Chile
-Milan Design Week: Fabbrica del Vapore
Pavilion: Store - Gallery Berlin, Germany
Diseño: Boulevard of Park Araucano, Chile
de Diseño "Think global, create Local", Chile
-Ropero Paula, Fashion Week, Santiago, Chile
Showrooms, Casa Piedra Exhibit Hall
PRIMITIVO products in a sector called "Promising Future Designers of
Abel Cárcamo © 2023